Sunday, December 11, 2022

Come follow me malachi 1

 My best is but a blemished lamb

Who has lost her way

My best little lamb

Who has gone astray 

Broken and forgotten

With matted fur of dirt

This little lamb is my heart

Who forgot to put thee first

But my Shepard is still watching

Reaching out and calling my name

I kinda want to come to him

But of my dirt I am ashamed 

But you are my dear Shepard 

And already ran my needed bath

Bathing me in your blood

Until my wool is white at last

 With clean wool I can stand before thee

Offering my heart and hands

And do the work of finding

Other lost and little lambs

Thursday, October 06, 2022

 I have prayed the same prayer

as Isaiah 64

when the world weighs down upon me

and I groan with the earth at the sickness she carries

when the new cycles are too constant

the air too thick to breathe

I have cried for the coming of the Lord

for it all to be destroyed

but then I remember that we need to build

Isiah 63/64

 63:3 (missed yesterday) He who treadeth the winefat

vs 8: Our potter, and we all are the works of thy hands

Interesting relationship, especially when combined with Moses 1:39  Behold, My work and My Glory is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.

So we are his work, not just any work, but the work of his hands, thought about, continually being molded, and to what end? Just our immortality and eternal life. Becoming as he is.

Wednesday, October 05, 2022

Isaiah 63

 a description of Christ in Isaiah 63: 1 "mighty to save".

vs 7: Loving Kindness of the Lord

vs 16: our father, everlasting

Mighty to save: not weak to save, but strong, willing, brave enough to save, but only if we ask.

Tuesday, October 04, 2022

Isaiah 60 & 61

 Lots of names for Christ are used in this chapter:




Holy One of Israel

Saviour and thy Redeemer

The mighty One of Jacob (interesting that might is not capitalized, but One and Jacob are).

everlasting light

61:3 interesting antithesis to the daughters of Zion in the beginning chapters of Isaiah.

The term "judgment" is used often in Isaiah, often in reference to not treating the poor and meek well.  The topical guide points out that it refers to accountability, justice, and equity. In this definition we are to judge the poor, that is to see that they are equitably treated, and we are held accountable for doing so.

Sunday, October 02, 2022

Names of Christ

 Inspired by Jonathan S Schmidt's talk at  General Conference today, I will use this blog to cover my study of the names of Christ and their meaning to me. So now that will be a label you can search by if (some future day) you'd like to see what list I came up with.

Today I'd like to start with one I have never heard of before: "Master of Simplicity" 

Ryan K Olsen called Christ "The Master of Simplicity" explaining that every solution in found in Jesus. S

Simplicity has taken on an interesting meaning to me. A few years ago I studied Marie Kwon Do, and have reduced my possessions down to only what is useful or beautiful to me. I have tried to/continually try to simplify my life by reducing stuff, and learning to say no to excess activities, enjoying the basics of growing my children and my gardens. So when Ryan K Olsen called Christ "The Master of Simplicity" my efforts seemed to have clarified their spiritual meaning to me. Now I see that Christ is the focus of my simplicity.

Serving as he would serve is easier if I don't have debt to pay off. Blessing others is easy when I have no aspirations for more stuff, or more stuff to maintain. And I really look forward to when I can shake owning a house and go serve a mission. 

Once again as I aim for simplicity I aim to follow the Savior. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Ode to Strippling Warrior Moms

 Waging Peace

Every Breath a Prayer

faith to weave the armor

but trusting their safety only to God

All your prayers were answered

your young sons saved a nation

all got hurt

but they returned home alive

& practiced in following the prophet

They remembered your faith

But your assurance only came

as you taught them

packed for them

prayed with them

stared into their eyes

& told them the Lord would protect them

& you knew it

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Answers to Prayers

 I don't know whose prayers the Lord was trying to answer in this fiasco, but I think he's done a fine job.

My beautiful, extra friendly, big, yellow lab ran a-fowl (yes, pun intended) of the law by chasing our neighbor's free-range chickens. 

The prophet said to forgive somebody by Easter, so I brought flowers and an "I'm sorry my dogs are such turds" note to our neighbors, hoping to forgive them and open communications between us. 

Their response suggested to me that Indy would be on their mud list no matter what. After some pondering and prayer, I was prompted to rehome him and even told who I should contact about it. The logic was there is no better alibi than being a state away. And then if he is the problem, the problem would be solved and if he wasn't the problem, he couldn't be credibly accused of the crime.

So this friend agreed to take my beautiful dog and add him to her pile of fur babies. We would do the long drive and drop on Saturday. Then today she actually called me (instead of texts we were exchanging) saying that her ex-boyfriend, just a county away, really wanted Indy, and wanted to meet him tonight.

It turns out he is a hunter and camper and had a great hunting dog (and daily companion) that passed away a few years ago, leaving him lonely for that kind of companionship.

He came right out, played with dog, started training him, and loved him right away. He was so excited when we allowed him to take Indy home tonight. Indy so needs that kind of work to do. He trains well and loves to be a companion. The guy was so excited he was hugging us and crying. 

Then, of course, he sent me texts showing the new dog bed in his room where Indy will sleep. I have never met someone so in need of a dog before.

The series of strings pulled and networks employed to pull this off is pretty impressive. The Lord care about this man so much he made a way to get him the dog he needs. May they honor and sustain each other.

We, of course, will always love Indy, and thank him for the light and slimy balls he always dropped on our laps.

Thursday, April 07, 2022

Environmental Catrostrophy, Failed States & Forging A new Nation

 When you consider the plagues of Egypt, many of them could logically be tied to volcanic activity:

Red algae bloom from added warmth & nutrients in the Nile. The algae bloom drives out the frogs, dead frogs are perfect breeding grounds for lice & flies. Fire and hail also sound like the results of volcanic activity. 

The locus, just happens to add to the fun fest, boils & death could be volcanic gasses, results of flea bites, ect.

This regional environmental catropohy, and the most powerful nation in the land (that has maintained power by slave labor, and who instead of hearing their crys, assigns heavier workloads to them). Responds in a way that depletes his nation of all their cattle, crops and their army.

Other signs of environmental cataclysm include the mass mortality event of the quail, the parting of the red sea (can't account for how that was done yet, but I"m sure it had environmental and economic ripples) the war with the Ammonites (they too had just lost everything and were trying to fight or flee as a way to deal with their environmental upheaval.

The Lord used all this to not only set his covenant people free, but then to teach them and forge a new nation.

They had to learn to rely and trust him. He taught them through daily administration of the manna. That he is the bread of life. He taught them through healing the water that he is the living water. He built a generation to believe in him, after their 20 generations or so of bondage.

Is he using our current environmental and economic catrasphies to build and teach his covenant people today?

Sunday, March 27, 2022

To the Pharaohs of Every Age:

 Given chance after chance 

to repent

plague after plague

to acknowledge the God of Israel

but no, 

you strike offensive again

You Bastard!

you will lose in the end and we will go free

You Bastard!

you could end these plagues!

but no, 

 your dick must be bigger than mine

but I'm not waving it-

only doing the work I was sent to do

My heart breaks

all the innocents 


under your command

all the pains they suffer

so you can keep sitting in your shiny palace

how many more have to die for you?

your children?

your armies?

Must all be drowned before you give up your scheme?

Saturday, March 19, 2022

 Covenates are doors to God's blessings and powers that we open through keeping them

Wednesday, February 23, 2022


 Pieces carefully placed

Lies carefully laid

What is their game?

What do they have to gain?

Who benefits? Who loses?

only the rich

all of the poor

all the mourning

all the homeless

all the lost

all are traumatized

all the earth

power-hungry maniacs

fill voids left by those who

didn't know how to market themselves

those who saw the truth clearly

thought others would too


how wrong we were 


all the way to the bank

to pull out our last pennies


all the way to bank to deposit the defense contracts

you want the pawns destitute

having to labor for their daily bread

having to fight for other's ambitions

the kings,

teased with vain glory

swallow the frogs

Controlled puppet, all

until missiles fall from skies

but long before then

the poets are silenced


Monday, February 07, 2022

Thought Download

 I'm trying to figure out what to write, there are so many different ideas filling my heart.

I heart my kid who remembers my birthday and made an effort to give me the gift of his presence. I worry about those who seem to behave as if I am invisible and unhearable, but I think Heavenly Mother knows what that's like- working all day for your child's good and never having your existence acknowledged.

He is also the kid who several years ago organized all his siblings to clean the house and bake a cake for me when I came home on my birthday. That was awesome, also shows part of his leadership abilities. My children are naturally like herding cars. He does a pretty good job with his cousins too.

He was a noble and great one, I have no doubt about that, but he has chosen another path. He will still be a leader of men. Hopefully still accomplishes great things, just not in the way that he could have. 

I've thought about how much having a glimpse of the eternal character of your children helps you in parenting them. My 13-year-old is the one I have had the most glimpses of, she has also been one that I needed that understanding of her possibilities to get her through the last several years.

We put the kids in school in January, after 10 years of homeschooling. Guess who caught covid and brought it home? So for the last 2 weeks, we have been fighting it and in quarantine. We waited to send the kids to school until after they were all vaccinated. Only baby was left, and she was still nursing, so she was able to steal all my antibodies. It mostly worked. We had 1-2 nights she started to work harder to breathe. Even the 5-year-old had a night of that. Baby had the most fevers, of and on for 11 days.

Mostly it was like a snot fest, sore throat cold we just couldn't quite shake, our 13-year-old is dealing with the side effect of not being able to sleep. It didn't wipe us out but slowed us down in many different ways.

I have to admit, I no longer fear catching the virus, not sure it was smart to get it, but the future will see what effects it holds. We still continue to wear our masks, as not to share with others. I know were are not supposed to be contagious anymore, but when symptoms are still there, even the rag tag end of them, you still want to protect all your favorite grandparents at church.

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

For such a time as this

 I try to continually use my food storage to keep it fresh, but now I find it harder and harder to replace.

It's not terrible, but spotty availability and higher prices does make you wonder if it is a harbinger of things to come.

After this last coupled years, I have decided that slowly getting used to not getting things might be the way it goes, and at what point to do pull out what is in storage? When do I decided to pull out those dried berries rather than spending increasingly on fresh/frozen berries out of a decreasing cash allowance?

Are you prepared? what do you need to gather? What do you see now that you didn't see eariler?

Is it time to learn to darn your socks?

How's your spiritual storehouse?

Would you have all you needed if you lost internet? Is your lamp full of oil?

Are you ready to fasten your seatbelt? 

Are you taking your vitamins?

Do you understand what is docterine vs cultural practices?

Can you create a house of order out of the chaos of the world?

Do you pray for guidence to be a light in the world each day?

For the spirit to guide your little ones as they navigate the schoolscape?

Do you check for worldy attitudes entering your thoughts each day?

Have I asked enough questions yet? What questions do you need to ask yourself?

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Genisis 3:16

Many people consider this curse a curse on Eve, but our Heavenly Father wont curse us. This is actually more like explaining the best way to handle the natural consequences of the fall.

 This verse naturally causes pause in feminist-minded people. We can understand the labor/sorrow/childbirth reference and accept that as a translation similarity, in fact, it is easy enough to understand desiring your husband. It's that darn word "rule" that gets us. What does that actually mean and how many men in the history of the world have used that word as an excuse to dominate the opposite sex? Or worse yet, women using it as an excuse to stay in relationships where they are dominated.

After looking across translations "rule" is consistently the word, so what does it mean? Then I remembered how that section of the scene plays out in the temple. That we will harken to our husbands, as they harken to Christ. 

But modern prophets always have the best understanding available on such subjects: (and I am copying from an explanation  of Brad Wilcox. See here for more)

President Spencer W. Kimball offered this valuable insight regarding the phrase “thy husband … shall rule over thee”: “I have a question about the word rule. It gives the wrong impression. I would prefer to use the word preside because that’s what he does. A righteous husband presides over his wife and family.” (Ensign, Mar. 1976, p. 72.)

Also we remember the man the Lord was talking about when he said these words to Eve. Adam was the great Michael, he who had helped Jehovah create the earth, the great first prophet of the Lord on earth, a most righteous son of God. Those who interpret God’s blessing upon Eve as a punishment have not understood the meaning of scripture. The Lord was telling Eve that she would be watched over, cared for, and protected by the righteous love of a noble husband as she entered the fallen world. In the misunderstandings typical of mortality, how ironic that many men take this verse and use it as license to exercise unrighteous dominion and to rule over their wives instead of treating their wives in a manner to encourage a spouse’s desire toward them.

In October 1993 general conference, Elder Boyd K. Packer of the Quorum of the Twelve said: “Should a man ‘exercise control or dominion or compulsion … in any degree of unrighteousness,’ … he violates ‘the oath and covenant which belongeth to the priesthood.’ … Then ‘the heavens withdraw themselves; the Spirit of the Lord is grieved.’ … Unless he repents he will lose his blessings.” (Ensign, Nov. 1993, p. 22; see D&C 84:39D&C 121:37.)

In the general Relief Society meeting held prior to general conference, Elder M. Russell Ballard, also of the Quorum of the Twelve, said: “God has revealed through his prophets that men are to receive the priesthood, become fathers, and with gentleness and pure, unfeigned love they are to lead and nurture their families in righteousness as the Savior leads the Church (see Eph. 5:23). They have been given the primary responsibility for the temporal and physical needs of the family (see D&C 83:2). Women have the power to bring children into the world and have been given the primary duty and opportunity as mothers to lead, nurture, and teach them in a loving, spiritual environment. In this divine partnership, husbands and wives support one another in their God-given capacities. By appointing different accountabilities to men and women, Heavenly Father provides the greatest opportunity for growth, service, and progress. He did not give different tasks to men and women simply to perpetuate the idea of a family; rather, He did so to ensure that the family can continue forever, the ultimate goal of our Heavenly Father’s eternal plan.” (Ensign, Nov. 1993, p. 90.)

Sunday, January 09, 2022

on the process of creation:

 When we plan out, practice, and release, are we creating these things spiritually before they become physical?