Wednesday, July 31, 2019

choose you this day

Corruption breeds corruption
evil is made right
left turns into day
and day turned into night

when evil is made right
all choices available: wrong
day turned into night
but we sing a happy song

All choices available: wrong
do not give a chance to think
we sing a happy song
signing into slavery with ink

do not give a chance to think
there's be a better way
signing into slavery with ink
doing what the advertisers say

there's a better way
a different path to forge
not what the advertisers say
staying out that deadly gorge

a different path to forge
a higher holier way
staying out the deadly gorge
listen to what the prophets say

a higher holier way
     corruption breeds corruption
listen to what the prophets say
choose your path this day

Creating another way
               another path
Creating another culture
               setting apart
but still within
             salt gives savor
            leaven that rises
            lifting the nation
            lighting the world

Wednesday, July 03, 2019

Acts 3

Acts 3

Silver and Gold
I have none
but infinite worth

joy to your hearts
salvation to your bones


Jesus has Risen
so you can too