Sunday, August 27, 2023

 In Babylon, we are captives

 to the system

to the culture

to whatever king thinks he's in power

We are called out of Babylon 

called out of the ruins yet to be

called to work outside the system

to determine what we'll be

we need to forge our own culture

building lives of truth and love

as in Heaven above

Ever feel like an abused dresser drawer?

 I like watching the furniture flippers on YouTube. They take a piece of abused, broken furniture, often headed to the dump,and  then, step by step, they restore it. Often to better than its original glory, now ready for a special place in its new home.

This process reminds me of how the Savoir works on us. Once we allow him to claim us as His, the work commences.

He cleans us, years of dirt, debris, stickiness.

He repairs us, every chipped corner, or broken slider. Until we work as he wants us to work.

 Sometimes this takes some scraping. Sometimes multiple applications of paint strippers, until we are left raw and exposed, wood down to it's grain. Now it is sanded smooth and clean, and something beautiful begins to emerge.

I get excited when the natural beauty of the wood comes through. And then it gets enhanced. Different stains are applied that bring out the natural beauty further. For us, I see those as the stains of humility, faith, charity and other god-like virtues.

Then it is sealed. More easily to defend itself against the ravages of life.