Tuesday, July 20, 2021


 All this grey smoke seems quite apocalyptic to one who has never lived through or near a forest fire before. Add to that my knowledge of all the other stuff we humans of earth are putting each other through ... and I thought of apologizing to my son (who is just preparing to go off to college, studying meteorology) for bringing him into the world at this challenging time, some think the end of time, and then I rejected that idea:

He is here to do a job, he is uniquely suited to be what is needed in the world at this time, he will help save people. I am not supposed to feel sorry for the life he will never lead, but to cheer him and prepare him for the life he will lead. The kid has gumption, the kid has talent, and a will that never quits. He knows how to lead, how to build teams, how to study, how to adapt. 

If we are at the end game, we will need different, creative, thinkers and doers to take over.  The old game is over.

Crazy Smoke

it's all vanity

pretending to work 

when your struggling to breathe

thick fog smoke 

 sore throat

why struggle so capitalistic monopolies can continue?

they that caused the world to burn?

didn't care

 every penny they could squuze from us

and now  our very air

the water which thinned our blood so it could flow

dried out

we dig in  river beds to find remnants of the wetness

we send missives out in social media requesting relief

but all who care are also struggling

but we will sodden on, wet but dry

in the paths we will continue

we know not else to do
we know not else to do

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Now the World Burns

 Now the World Burns


    burnt popcorn


Waters the eyes

clogs the throat

  covers the plants

It was easier when it was just the west, just Australia

but now it is here

we were warned

prophets, scientists

little girls in braids