Wednesday, February 23, 2022


 Pieces carefully placed

Lies carefully laid

What is their game?

What do they have to gain?

Who benefits? Who loses?

only the rich

all of the poor

all the mourning

all the homeless

all the lost

all are traumatized

all the earth

power-hungry maniacs

fill voids left by those who

didn't know how to market themselves

those who saw the truth clearly

thought others would too


how wrong we were 


all the way to the bank

to pull out our last pennies


all the way to bank to deposit the defense contracts

you want the pawns destitute

having to labor for their daily bread

having to fight for other's ambitions

the kings,

teased with vain glory

swallow the frogs

Controlled puppet, all

until missiles fall from skies

but long before then

the poets are silenced


Monday, February 07, 2022

Thought Download

 I'm trying to figure out what to write, there are so many different ideas filling my heart.

I heart my kid who remembers my birthday and made an effort to give me the gift of his presence. I worry about those who seem to behave as if I am invisible and unhearable, but I think Heavenly Mother knows what that's like- working all day for your child's good and never having your existence acknowledged.

He is also the kid who several years ago organized all his siblings to clean the house and bake a cake for me when I came home on my birthday. That was awesome, also shows part of his leadership abilities. My children are naturally like herding cars. He does a pretty good job with his cousins too.

He was a noble and great one, I have no doubt about that, but he has chosen another path. He will still be a leader of men. Hopefully still accomplishes great things, just not in the way that he could have. 

I've thought about how much having a glimpse of the eternal character of your children helps you in parenting them. My 13-year-old is the one I have had the most glimpses of, she has also been one that I needed that understanding of her possibilities to get her through the last several years.

We put the kids in school in January, after 10 years of homeschooling. Guess who caught covid and brought it home? So for the last 2 weeks, we have been fighting it and in quarantine. We waited to send the kids to school until after they were all vaccinated. Only baby was left, and she was still nursing, so she was able to steal all my antibodies. It mostly worked. We had 1-2 nights she started to work harder to breathe. Even the 5-year-old had a night of that. Baby had the most fevers, of and on for 11 days.

Mostly it was like a snot fest, sore throat cold we just couldn't quite shake, our 13-year-old is dealing with the side effect of not being able to sleep. It didn't wipe us out but slowed us down in many different ways.

I have to admit, I no longer fear catching the virus, not sure it was smart to get it, but the future will see what effects it holds. We still continue to wear our masks, as not to share with others. I know were are not supposed to be contagious anymore, but when symptoms are still there, even the rag tag end of them, you still want to protect all your favorite grandparents at church.