Thursday, April 07, 2022

Environmental Catrostrophy, Failed States & Forging A new Nation

 When you consider the plagues of Egypt, many of them could logically be tied to volcanic activity:

Red algae bloom from added warmth & nutrients in the Nile. The algae bloom drives out the frogs, dead frogs are perfect breeding grounds for lice & flies. Fire and hail also sound like the results of volcanic activity. 

The locus, just happens to add to the fun fest, boils & death could be volcanic gasses, results of flea bites, ect.

This regional environmental catropohy, and the most powerful nation in the land (that has maintained power by slave labor, and who instead of hearing their crys, assigns heavier workloads to them). Responds in a way that depletes his nation of all their cattle, crops and their army.

Other signs of environmental cataclysm include the mass mortality event of the quail, the parting of the red sea (can't account for how that was done yet, but I"m sure it had environmental and economic ripples) the war with the Ammonites (they too had just lost everything and were trying to fight or flee as a way to deal with their environmental upheaval.

The Lord used all this to not only set his covenant people free, but then to teach them and forge a new nation.

They had to learn to rely and trust him. He taught them through daily administration of the manna. That he is the bread of life. He taught them through healing the water that he is the living water. He built a generation to believe in him, after their 20 generations or so of bondage.

Is he using our current environmental and economic catrasphies to build and teach his covenant people today?

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