Sunday, June 23, 2019

Olive Trees

AbundantWriter wrote this- and I asked her if I could put it on my blog.

In the garden of Gethsemane
ancient olive trees stood witness the night our Savior wept and prayed unto His Father. 
They did not sleep. 
They stood a silent vigil offering their energies to help him who had created them. 
branches quivered as they felt him take on the agony of all the world sins.  
An eternal and infinite sacrifice. 
They wept with him and cried with him as his drops of sweated blood fell to the ground.  
This God, this chooses Son of the Eternal Father. 
Who was the only one who could over this divine sacrifice. 

The Olive trees saw his disciples sleeping.  
witnessed the crowd of soldiers and leaders of the Church in Jerusalem come and take him
 like a criminal.  
This man, this God who had just taken on all their sins. 
Even in His weakness he cared and loved them.
He healed the servants cut off ear. 
He warned and forewarned his disciples of what was about to happen. 
 in their limited understanding they were overwhelmed.  
The Olive trees saw it all and cried.  
They told all the trees and the Earth wept.  
The earth wept so hard it shook. 

The Cross was lifted up with this innocent man. 
As he still showed his caring and love for others the earth listened in silent wonder to his last words. 
 As it heard “It is finished “ it shook even more and those at the cross knew, 
God had witnessed the work of His Only begotten Son and acknowledged it. 
I believe ancient Olive Trees were also witnesses as the angels rolled away 
the stone from the borrowed tomb.
 Trees witnessed the disciples running to see the empty tomb. 
 saw the joy in those that finally understood what the Savior has been teaching them. 
He had overcome death. 
He had overcome and so can we.

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