Saturday, October 14, 2023

Revelations on Revelations


 with the week's events, I had to go study up on the book of Revelations again. I started in chapter 11, and went backward and then forwards again chapters 8-11 are most interesting this week, and I learned a few things.

Although we read it nicely organized step-by-step, most of these events are concurrent. They are simultaneous but have to be written in the areas of discussion.  So we will have 1/3 of plants, animals, ocean life, and men die (chapters 8&9)- partly as a result of the war waging that leads to the siege of Jerusalem (chapter 11), and partly due to the stresses of industry age combined with actions those who love money above all else. 

The prophets stuck in Jerusalem during the siege are supposed to send plagues and destruction. Could you possibly imagine any of our apostles pouring out more misery on the earth? I think these plagues and destruction are already baked into global warming and warfare, but we all know how people hate the bearer of bad news. Their message will naturally be repentance, and turning towards God, which means stopping the hated and global destruction. 

Naturally, the leaders, those who sought power, are corrupted, and comparing them to Sodom and Gomorrah helps me see that is it highly possible they have marked the innocent of Palestinians for destruction because they don't care they are poor and brown-skinned. Honestly, I am not sure they wouldn't happily sacrifice their own people for their blood or money/power lust.

One of the few time frames actually given in Revelations is of the 3.5 years. Church lesson materials suggest this about that "Revelation 11:2 says that the Gentiles will “tread under foot” Jerusalem for forty-two months, which is three and one-half years. This has reference to a time of apostasy when the Lord’s work is symbolically trampled on. Verse 3 indicates that “two witnesses” will serve a special mission to the sacred city for 1,260 days—which is also three and one-half years. Symbolically, John saw that the ministry of the Lord’s servants balances out the time of apostasy, thus giving people an equal opportunity to choose between the Lord and those who oppose Him. Unfortunately, as this chapter records, many will not listen to those prophets."

Does this suggest the 3.5 years is symbolic? Literal? or both? My experience with the Lord suggest both, but I wouldn't hold the Lord to it, as he has promised that he will speed up these last days for the salvation of his saints ( and what I have seen this year, I can see why he needs to).

Anyways, it is safe to say that it is time to fasten our seat belt, and stand in holy places.

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