Sunday, August 09, 2020

Which Hat?

 I was listening to Joy B Jone's April 2020 conference talk while getting ready for church this morning. and her discussion on choosing which hat we are to wear at any one time gave me something to ponder on today. 

Like many people, I have enjoyed not wearing pants most of the summer and some weeks, like the last few of them, (ok, let's be truthful I gave up pants when the weather reached 90). But in general, as my pregnancy has progressed, I personally have done less and less on a daily basis. It goes against my natural rhythm to sit there. However, my hips allow me little else.

 So pondering upon the idea of which hat(s) I should be wearing now, I realized that that hat is growing this baby and staying upright enough to keep my family fed. It's ok that I am not working, writing that great novel, or volunteering around the town.

And then I was pondering that the way Heavenly Father has chosen to send all his spirit children to earth are through mothers, and not only does that mother give her body up for months, but after birth, the baby literally needs 1-1 attention for almost as many more months.

If that isn't that hat (or maybe the crown) of motherhood, then I do not know what is. It is one best worn alone (at least in the early months). 

Upon these thoughts, my restlessness has calmed and I can focus more on preparing emotionally and spiritually for another little spirit to grace our family with her presence.

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