Saturday, November 02, 2019

Put on thy beautiful Garments

Yesterday, I took my GRE- a big standard graduate entrance school test. I ended up running late due to road destruction. It had all the typical failings of standardized tests including poor wording, unclear questions, and sentences constructed by monkeys. But for 4 hours it kept me busy. Afterward, my phone beeped reminding me that I forgot to turn in questions for my comp exam that is coming up next weekend. I emailed the teacher anyway and sent her the real questions, about midnight when I got home.

By then I had just enough time to have a sub and make it to the temple. The second I walked in I felt like I was home. I belonged there. Nothing else mattered. I am a beloved child of my heavenly parents and my worth is not changed by scores on multiple guess tests.

During the course of my time there I was able to watch beautiful people- covenant people, move and interact and smile. There is something about making and keeping those covenants that makes your beauty shine. That is how you stand up, dust the world off you and put on your beautiful garments, o daughters and sons of Zion.

I was safe there- not just about being judged, but from the confusion and mess of the state of the world. A place to stand as the world shakes and contracts and burns around it.

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