Thursday, October 06, 2022

 I have prayed the same prayer

as Isaiah 64

when the world weighs down upon me

and I groan with the earth at the sickness she carries

when the new cycles are too constant

the air too thick to breathe

I have cried for the coming of the Lord

for it all to be destroyed

but then I remember that we need to build

Isiah 63/64

 63:3 (missed yesterday) He who treadeth the winefat

vs 8: Our potter, and we all are the works of thy hands

Interesting relationship, especially when combined with Moses 1:39  Behold, My work and My Glory is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.

So we are his work, not just any work, but the work of his hands, thought about, continually being molded, and to what end? Just our immortality and eternal life. Becoming as he is.

Wednesday, October 05, 2022

Isaiah 63

 a description of Christ in Isaiah 63: 1 "mighty to save".

vs 7: Loving Kindness of the Lord

vs 16: our father, everlasting

Mighty to save: not weak to save, but strong, willing, brave enough to save, but only if we ask.

Tuesday, October 04, 2022

Isaiah 60 & 61

 Lots of names for Christ are used in this chapter:




Holy One of Israel

Saviour and thy Redeemer

The mighty One of Jacob (interesting that might is not capitalized, but One and Jacob are).

everlasting light

61:3 interesting antithesis to the daughters of Zion in the beginning chapters of Isaiah.

The term "judgment" is used often in Isaiah, often in reference to not treating the poor and meek well.  The topical guide points out that it refers to accountability, justice, and equity. In this definition we are to judge the poor, that is to see that they are equitably treated, and we are held accountable for doing so.

Sunday, October 02, 2022

Names of Christ

 Inspired by Jonathan S Schmidt's talk at  General Conference today, I will use this blog to cover my study of the names of Christ and their meaning to me. So now that will be a label you can search by if (some future day) you'd like to see what list I came up with.

Today I'd like to start with one I have never heard of before: "Master of Simplicity" 

Ryan K Olsen called Christ "The Master of Simplicity" explaining that every solution in found in Jesus. S

Simplicity has taken on an interesting meaning to me. A few years ago I studied Marie Kwon Do, and have reduced my possessions down to only what is useful or beautiful to me. I have tried to/continually try to simplify my life by reducing stuff, and learning to say no to excess activities, enjoying the basics of growing my children and my gardens. So when Ryan K Olsen called Christ "The Master of Simplicity" my efforts seemed to have clarified their spiritual meaning to me. Now I see that Christ is the focus of my simplicity.

Serving as he would serve is easier if I don't have debt to pay off. Blessing others is easy when I have no aspirations for more stuff, or more stuff to maintain. And I really look forward to when I can shake owning a house and go serve a mission. 

Once again as I aim for simplicity I aim to follow the Savior.