Sunday, March 27, 2022

To the Pharaohs of Every Age:

 Given chance after chance 

to repent

plague after plague

to acknowledge the God of Israel

but no, 

you strike offensive again

You Bastard!

you will lose in the end and we will go free

You Bastard!

you could end these plagues!

but no, 

 your dick must be bigger than mine

but I'm not waving it-

only doing the work I was sent to do

My heart breaks

all the innocents 


under your command

all the pains they suffer

so you can keep sitting in your shiny palace

how many more have to die for you?

your children?

your armies?

Must all be drowned before you give up your scheme?

Saturday, March 19, 2022

 Covenates are doors to God's blessings and powers that we open through keeping them