Friday, September 27, 2019

Best laid plans of mice and mothers

LDS temples usually close for about 2 weeks every year for maintenance. They like to keep it immaculate. Often these closing occur over the Christmas Break, or right after the New Year.

Guess what we forgot when planning our trip today?

So I am doing my karate graduation tomorrow- in the same town as our temple. So we thought we'd come and do a temple night and then do the graduation in the morning. We were slow getting out of town, managing kids and cars and all sorts of fun stuff. And then the closer we got to the city, the worse the traffic was (Normal at 5 pm), so we pulled over to eat, hoping the traffic would clear. We knew with that choice we would miss the 6 pm session, and decided we could do the 8 pm.

We find the hotel, check-in, get the kids situated and leave for the temple. The second we pulled on to the freeway entrance ramp everything came to an abrupt halt. there were flashing lights ahead and now some behind us- 3 lanes of backed up traffic. Had to be an accident. We pulled off the road twice to let tow trucks and firetrucks through. It took 30 minutes to get the traffic moving again. 8pm and we just cleared the congestion. So I guess we will see if we can just do initiatories. We pull into the temple parking lot and the gate up to the temple was closed. The lights are dimmed, but we could see a ladder in the entryway. Shoot! it's closed!

We didn't even think to check this trip against the dates for the closing. We both vaguely remembered the earlier closing dates this year. That does explain why heaven was in no rush to help us get there on time.

Sorry, Grandma Jeanne, Your work is going to have to wait 2 weeks:)