Tuesday, April 30, 2019

John 8:2-11

Dear Woman,

I am not without sin
     Cannot cast a stone
nor can I condemn another
 for things I have done alone

I will not accuse thee
I'd rather sin no more
shed the weight, burden, pain
and into heaven soar

Monday, April 29, 2019

John 4:34

On John 4:34
I wonder how often someone told Jesus
You still need to eat

But do Gods eat?
Resurrected beings eat
Fish and honeycomb
Huck Finn thought watermelon
Was the perfect angels’ food

We can not live by bread alone
Our dual nature made known
Spirit and flesh, a soul to feed

Both bread and living water we need

Church Halls

Out of Class

walking down the halls at church
toddler attached to my finger
several little voices sing
"I am a child of God"
snatches of lessons
"Obeying God's laws bring us happiness"
"Oh Lord, My God, I am in awesome wonder"
Pictures of Christ hang on the wall
Talking to the women at the well
teaching in the temple
healing the blind
raising my spirits
walking in sacred halls
snatches of murmured prayers

I wish to sing too
"How Great Thou Art!"

Church with Kids

Church with Kids

Sometimes I can not reflect on
the bread and water
When the sacrament is passed
Hushing kids
Finding lost crayons
Keeping my brood quiet so
others can hear their thoughts

When the house is quiet
When the kids snooze softly in their beds
When I take out my scriptures

I remember Him

Born Again


A change so drastic
It is called being born again
I take the water and the bread

Easier, more comfortable
To crawl back into your mother’s womb
She loves you as you are
I know who you can be

Into the water, I shall go
A promise made with God
To join the body of the saints
Care for each and every part

To remember
I am trying to be like him
In all my actions
And his spirit will be with me

With him I shall endure to the end

Sunday Morning

10:15 Sunday Morning

Through the water and the bread
I am forged anew
Living water
Bread of life
Gives my soul meaning

Purpose to my night


Water to wine

God changes
water to wine
Sinner to saint
gold from my dross
my broken heart
Forged anew
Fills my empty belly

Water and crusts of bread

Luke 4

On Luke 4

Is this not Joseph’s son?
Wonder and bewilderment
Is he not one of us?
How can one be so special?
Jesus answered with stories of special ones

The problem arises when we
do not believe he is special
That one can be different than others

But I believe
I have felt his difference
He has touched my heart
Made it burn

I believe not only in his specialness
But in mine
I can be like him

I can touch other’s hearts

I believe in everyone’s ability to be special
To become as he is
Because of Him
Witness of divine potentials
We, in embryo now
Become like our mother, our father

Is it then so special that God could walk among us?
Is Joseph’s son, the promised Messiah
Any harder than accepting
Our own divine spark
To treat other as Jesus taught

To believe that they are children of God too

Is that not why Jesus asked us to become like him by
Mourning with that that mourn
Comforting those that  stand in need of comfort

Roles he proclaimed for himself
And also for us


First and Third Nephi, Chapters 11

Darkness filled with wails
Everything changed
We can’t even see it

Voice of calm interrupts the cries
Light breaks through the darkness
Everything has changed

We can see now

Women at the Well

Did Jesus tell
The woman at the well
Living water was only for men?

Or did Jesus Suggest
With the space in his chest
Though the word could have meant womb

In his salvation we all have room?

John 4:40-54

On John 4: 40-54

Thy son liveth
Go home to him
The Messiah told me

Love echoed in empty gut wrenched chambers of my soul
Somehow he knows me
Somehow he fixed this
My joy
My great relief to be with my son




It is more than of little significance that the one
Who redeemed us from death and sin

Can become our closest friend



But I can fly
My heart screamed to my head
I fly above buildings
People’s petty squabbles

I soar into the great blue
Push away the clouds
My arms, up, out, or down
Doesn’t matter

The currents of air
I create as I move forward

Push my hair
Against my shoulders

Freedom of will
All directions I desire
With no purse to weigh me down
My concerns left on the ground

I can fly