Imagine holding a glass of water. How long before it gets tiring?
What if you set it down for a while? Is it easier then to pick it up again and keep holding it?
Now hold it for 6 days straight?
That is why I keep the Sabbath day holy. I need to set down my glass of water; the cares of the world, my worries, my purchasing, my money concerns. Then when Monday roles around I can pick it up again, or if it still feels too heavy, I can analyze what to do with any or all of it. Maybe I should water the flowers with it or drink it so I don't have to carry it. When I am concerned with carrying the glass, I rarely have the ability to look it from a different perspective and deal with it effectively. But when I set it down on Sunday, I have a chance to see it from a new angle.
It is a chance to prioritize and rearrange my life. To decide what is most important and do that. It also is refreshing. Most of the time I can pick my glass up happily again and carry on with a smile.