You know,
I am still not happy with the last post. There used to be a day and people would agree what was good and bad. And a behavior could be declared off limits if the majority of the people felt it was bad.
Nowdays, one can not use the simple argument that it is good or bad. In fact it seems like one can barely argue on the grounds that the behavior brings forth good things or bad things. In fact one of the questions to determine if an action is moral or not is "if everybody did it, what kind of world would we have?"
Well, that seems to be a logical place to start... a logical question to ask. We all want to live in a happy, healthy world.
So... If everybody loved each other, the world would be more pleasant. (I think we can agree on that)so loving one another is good.
If everybody smoked, there would be more lung cancer, health problems and air pollution. Therefore smoking is bad- scientifically proven. And in this case, even upheld by laws.
if everybody used gas sparingly, the air would be cleaner, the gas prices would drop and the world would be healthier. Positive effects can also be seen for recycling and eating less meat this way.
ok.... let's get into traditional values...
if everybody was honest and ethical in their school work and then in their jobs, gee, they might not get as rich, and there also might not be as much government bail outs. In fact, there even has been a cry for more ethical behavior in business, but yet ignoring the fact that ethical behavior stems from trainings in traditional morality.
So, back to tenets of traditional morality. How about if everybody slept around? Would that improve our world, or would that cause more cases of STDs and less feelings of trust- I know it would wreck almost all personal relationships, cause more single parenting and little if any accountability for child having or child rearing. But if all people did it and it was acceptable, single parenting would become the norm, but single parenting is tough, and often needs state aid. In fact, I am sure that changes would be made calling for longer school days, mandatory all day preschools and so on. And because of the biological nature of things women would be the bearers of most of the weight of this in society. Therefore one can argue that is it definitively in the women's' and children's best interest to have a monogamists relationship with trust worthy men. Better on the state, on the women, on the children. And ladies, lets face it. Men are happier when someone is there to care for them., and I know that my man likes not having to wo and win to get sex every time. All he has to do is the dishes.
Ok.. now the moralist grey ground at this time.... if everybody was gay, how would this world be? (100 years ago, people would have said happy. But that is no longer the meaning of the word). Well, there would be no children, with out assisted reproduction. Which means that only rich people (who can afford the price of a house for a kid) would have children. (now please don't argue that that is not a problem... remember the rules of the game "if everybody did....?")
Gee, no children. And the men would loose out on fatherhood. The children would most likely end up with 2 mothers- which would make the working mother issue easier, but learning what it means to be one of your gender would be challenging). Basically world populations would fall to an unsustainable level in 1 (count it 1) generation.
According to the rules of the game gay marriage does not pan out. Now lets look at the 7th generation games. What impact will these decisions have on the 7th generation from now?
How will it effect how our children, and their children view marriage and child rearing? In "1984" by George Orwell. Couples were chosen by the state and had to "do their duty" to their state every Saturday night. Their duty was to reproduce the next generation. As a biological being/ race, we have the imperative to grow the next generation and for society to function that imperative implies the rearing of them to carry on our work.
Sodom and Gomorrah did not have to be destroyed by God. The society destroyed it's self. All God did was bury their remains (probably in the hope that others would head the warning a not follow in their footsteps). Can our society expect better results if we accept gay marriage as equal to the marriage in which a man and woman naturally try to carry on our biological imperatives?
By allowing them to marry you are not only giving them the legal rights that go along with marriage, you are saying that the state accepts it as equal in importance and value to the marriage between a man and a woman. This can not be so if the state wishes to have healthy populations to govern in the coming centuries.
inner thoughts of a woman who belongs to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
What is it about gay rights?
Gays have every rights the rest of us have. Anything I can do, they are legally allowed to do. I do not get the argument. Nobody is kicking them to the back of the bus, or refusing them service at a restaurant.
it seems to me that instead of fighting for civil rights, they are asking for exemptions from the laws that uphold morally acceptable behaviors. It seems sort of like "we are not happy marrying a person of the opposite gender, we want to marry someone of the same gender" is very much like a group of people saying "we are not happy with paying taxes (because something in my brain or chemistry is different then in other people), so we feel it is a matter of civil rights weather or not to pay our taxes."
My sister is saying that what they really want is an easy way to get the legal connectiveness that comes with marriage, things like automatic power of attorney and right to inheritance. I agree there should be a way to file for a legal union (or union of legalities). However, the way should not just have to apply to gays, it should apply to all cases where sharing or passing of ones legal power would be nice to have. Like if a daughter was caring for her elderly parents, they should be able to file for a legal union, and this in no legal way impacts her marriage to her own spouse.
Gays have every rights the rest of us have. Anything I can do, they are legally allowed to do. I do not get the argument. Nobody is kicking them to the back of the bus, or refusing them service at a restaurant.
it seems to me that instead of fighting for civil rights, they are asking for exemptions from the laws that uphold morally acceptable behaviors. It seems sort of like "we are not happy marrying a person of the opposite gender, we want to marry someone of the same gender" is very much like a group of people saying "we are not happy with paying taxes (because something in my brain or chemistry is different then in other people), so we feel it is a matter of civil rights weather or not to pay our taxes."
My sister is saying that what they really want is an easy way to get the legal connectiveness that comes with marriage, things like automatic power of attorney and right to inheritance. I agree there should be a way to file for a legal union (or union of legalities). However, the way should not just have to apply to gays, it should apply to all cases where sharing or passing of ones legal power would be nice to have. Like if a daughter was caring for her elderly parents, they should be able to file for a legal union, and this in no legal way impacts her marriage to her own spouse.
Friday, November 07, 2008
A good Irony
The Lord knows how much I appreciate a good irony. And tonight he gave me a doozy.
Every night we do scripture study with the family before bed. We serve a snack or treat at this time to encourage participation. We try to read a whole or half chapter each night, with each child choosing a verse to read out loud to us. Tonight we are in 3rd Nephi Chapter 22.
And for all of you who have not tried to get children's quiet attention let me tell you it is not easy any night- and often harder then normal on Fridays. So Ian was whinning that he couldn't find his scriptures and he and Clay were physically fighting over the table, Shannon was screaming... as Galen's voice rang out verse 13: "And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord: and great shall be the peace of thy children."
Every night we do scripture study with the family before bed. We serve a snack or treat at this time to encourage participation. We try to read a whole or half chapter each night, with each child choosing a verse to read out loud to us. Tonight we are in 3rd Nephi Chapter 22.
And for all of you who have not tried to get children's quiet attention let me tell you it is not easy any night- and often harder then normal on Fridays. So Ian was whinning that he couldn't find his scriptures and he and Clay were physically fighting over the table, Shannon was screaming... as Galen's voice rang out verse 13: "And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord: and great shall be the peace of thy children."
Friday, October 31, 2008
working thoughts
I have had an interesting desire lately to move away from the computer and do real things- things with my hands and heart. Things that are part of the God- made world- the real world- and not the virtual one.
Having an online business has seriously kept me trapped in this virtual world way to long. And the world is so beautiful and so alive if we can get out in it. I want to do work, daily chores that require my hands and heart and physical movement.
Nothing is as life affirming as doing your daily chores- knowing that you are really making a difference- even if it is as small as cleaning a toilet seat or churning butter.
I want to have an excuse to be outside. I need things out there that need me attention- an excuse to go outside and work that can not be excused. I want to drink in the beautiful day and bask in the physical sensations of it all.
Having an online business has seriously kept me trapped in this virtual world way to long. And the world is so beautiful and so alive if we can get out in it. I want to do work, daily chores that require my hands and heart and physical movement.
Nothing is as life affirming as doing your daily chores- knowing that you are really making a difference- even if it is as small as cleaning a toilet seat or churning butter.
I want to have an excuse to be outside. I need things out there that need me attention- an excuse to go outside and work that can not be excused. I want to drink in the beautiful day and bask in the physical sensations of it all.
Monday, October 13, 2008
I just came back from stake conference this weekend- and there one talk that really touched me.
Our mission president's wife was speaking and she talked about her daughter Lori-Beth.
Lori-Beth was diagnosed with downs syndrome shortly after birth and her mother sat there praying day and night the blood test that would confirm the downs syndrome would come back negative. But over the course of the next day she was reminded by 4 different people of an experience she had 5 years before.
5 years before Lori-Beth was born her mother was listening to a talk on Jesus and the blind man- the one where the people asked "Who sinned , that caused this man to be blind, him self or his parents." And Jesus answered "no one sinned." At that point the mother had a revelation that the blind man had a pre-exsistant assignment to glorify God.
The mother came to accept that Lori-Beth had a pre-exsistant assignment.
When they were called as mission presidents they were set apart- Lori-Beth was set apart and afterwords the one setting them apart looked directly into her eyes and told her that her presence there would change lives, lives of the missionaries, investigators and others.
Then she brought Lori-Beth up to sing "I am a Child of God." Most people would not call her performance musical. But that didn't matter to us. What mattered to us was the incredible spirit we felt. Lori-Beth had changed my life.
Now when I look at the angels in my care- 1 with autism, 1 with spinal bifida, and another yet undiagnosed- I can recognize that no only does their affliction help them achieve their spiritual needs in life- but also that they have a pre-exsistant assignment to help glorify God.
Our mission president's wife was speaking and she talked about her daughter Lori-Beth.
Lori-Beth was diagnosed with downs syndrome shortly after birth and her mother sat there praying day and night the blood test that would confirm the downs syndrome would come back negative. But over the course of the next day she was reminded by 4 different people of an experience she had 5 years before.
5 years before Lori-Beth was born her mother was listening to a talk on Jesus and the blind man- the one where the people asked "Who sinned , that caused this man to be blind, him self or his parents." And Jesus answered "no one sinned." At that point the mother had a revelation that the blind man had a pre-exsistant assignment to glorify God.
The mother came to accept that Lori-Beth had a pre-exsistant assignment.
When they were called as mission presidents they were set apart- Lori-Beth was set apart and afterwords the one setting them apart looked directly into her eyes and told her that her presence there would change lives, lives of the missionaries, investigators and others.
Then she brought Lori-Beth up to sing "I am a Child of God." Most people would not call her performance musical. But that didn't matter to us. What mattered to us was the incredible spirit we felt. Lori-Beth had changed my life.
Now when I look at the angels in my care- 1 with autism, 1 with spinal bifida, and another yet undiagnosed- I can recognize that no only does their affliction help them achieve their spiritual needs in life- but also that they have a pre-exsistant assignment to help glorify God.
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Contrast with the world
I read an article today calling Sara Palin's lifestyle "Model, on the Last Frontier."
What is interesting is this article doesn't talk so much about how she lives her life, but about what toys and stuff she has.
It contrasted sharply with General Conference today and what would be considered a "model Mormon's" lifestyle.
Let's play the contrast game:
Palin, according to the article, is into snow mobile racing and sport hunting, loving the competition.
A model Mormon should be into chasing children and hunting down potential investigators.
Palin, according to the article, Sara has all the toys...including an airplane
model Mormons should have all the love and charity- toys only seem to figure into it when we learn how not to swear, or even get angry, when we step on legos at 3 am.
The Palins have a "large lakeside home" with all the trimmings.
A model Mormon worries less about the physical home and strives for a spiritual home. We are taught to create a spiritual home by having family prayer, family scripture study and family home evening.
A model Mormon knows it is not what we have, but what we do, and how we treat others that matters. Having THINGS is not important, but having CHARITY is required. And helping people is really so much more rewarding then things.
Now, I am not trying to dis on Palin here. I have no need to do that, her interviews do enough of that for her. But just the way the article was written got me thinking about how screwed up the view is that stuff= lifestyle.
I just hope that if anyone writes about my lifestyle that they talk about what I do, and not what I have. But if 5 possessions were selected to some how represent me and my lifestyle they might end up being:
1. my cars- one pruis and the mini van (the most gas efficient family car). I would hope that these cars would represent my commitment to energy and family.
2. my house- it is peculiarly small in comparison to the modern McMansions and it is full to the brim of children, and their stuff. It is in no way decorated with anything other then children's pictures, scribbles, and remnants of Family Home Evening lessons. Of course, we do have many walls of family pictures. It has all hard floors, for easy cleaning, and not thread of it attempts to be "pretty". But it is a hard working shelter, where many prayers are said, many scriptures are read, and many hours are spent playing games with children. If anything makes my house beautiful it is what is done inside of it. It is the love.
3. my garden, an attempt at growing food- providing lots of cabbage and never enough tomatoes. maybe they would even be so kind as to talk about my aspirations for a greenhouse to expand our growing season here from 75 days to maybe 100? My garden represents one of our steps towards self sufficiency. It also represents that we are trying to connect with mother nature and the bounty that the earth offers, as a partner and not a dominator.
4. our bookshelves- stuffed with layers and layers of books, Books for children, books for learning, books on almost every subject imaginable- and of course a fair variety of classic lit and fiction. our books would represent our love of learning, exploring new ideas and expanding our minds.
5. our scriptures. Mine are mobile and move from room to room with me through out the day. The kids often end up being our kitchen table's centerpiece. They end up there after scripture and snack time at night. Some have notes written all over them. Some are losing their covers, some live hard lives lost in our laundry piles between scripture studies (the laundry pile shares our kitchen), but what matters is that they are used, and we love them. We teach from them. We learn from them. We liken them unto us and even get chocolate cookie crumbs on them- but we've learned not to eat anything too sticky for scripture snack.
With the right eyes possessions can tell a lot about someone, especially if you see how they are really used. But please don't count on them telling the whole story.
What is interesting is this article doesn't talk so much about how she lives her life, but about what toys and stuff she has.
It contrasted sharply with General Conference today and what would be considered a "model Mormon's" lifestyle.
Let's play the contrast game:
Palin, according to the article, is into snow mobile racing and sport hunting, loving the competition.
A model Mormon should be into chasing children and hunting down potential investigators.
Palin, according to the article, Sara has all the toys...including an airplane
model Mormons should have all the love and charity- toys only seem to figure into it when we learn how not to swear, or even get angry, when we step on legos at 3 am.
The Palins have a "large lakeside home" with all the trimmings.
A model Mormon worries less about the physical home and strives for a spiritual home. We are taught to create a spiritual home by having family prayer, family scripture study and family home evening.
A model Mormon knows it is not what we have, but what we do, and how we treat others that matters. Having THINGS is not important, but having CHARITY is required. And helping people is really so much more rewarding then things.
Now, I am not trying to dis on Palin here. I have no need to do that, her interviews do enough of that for her. But just the way the article was written got me thinking about how screwed up the view is that stuff= lifestyle.
I just hope that if anyone writes about my lifestyle that they talk about what I do, and not what I have. But if 5 possessions were selected to some how represent me and my lifestyle they might end up being:
1. my cars- one pruis and the mini van (the most gas efficient family car). I would hope that these cars would represent my commitment to energy and family.
2. my house- it is peculiarly small in comparison to the modern McMansions and it is full to the brim of children, and their stuff. It is in no way decorated with anything other then children's pictures, scribbles, and remnants of Family Home Evening lessons. Of course, we do have many walls of family pictures. It has all hard floors, for easy cleaning, and not thread of it attempts to be "pretty". But it is a hard working shelter, where many prayers are said, many scriptures are read, and many hours are spent playing games with children. If anything makes my house beautiful it is what is done inside of it. It is the love.
3. my garden, an attempt at growing food- providing lots of cabbage and never enough tomatoes. maybe they would even be so kind as to talk about my aspirations for a greenhouse to expand our growing season here from 75 days to maybe 100? My garden represents one of our steps towards self sufficiency. It also represents that we are trying to connect with mother nature and the bounty that the earth offers, as a partner and not a dominator.
4. our bookshelves- stuffed with layers and layers of books, Books for children, books for learning, books on almost every subject imaginable- and of course a fair variety of classic lit and fiction. our books would represent our love of learning, exploring new ideas and expanding our minds.
5. our scriptures. Mine are mobile and move from room to room with me through out the day. The kids often end up being our kitchen table's centerpiece. They end up there after scripture and snack time at night. Some have notes written all over them. Some are losing their covers, some live hard lives lost in our laundry piles between scripture studies (the laundry pile shares our kitchen), but what matters is that they are used, and we love them. We teach from them. We learn from them. We liken them unto us and even get chocolate cookie crumbs on them- but we've learned not to eat anything too sticky for scripture snack.
With the right eyes possessions can tell a lot about someone, especially if you see how they are really used. But please don't count on them telling the whole story.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Side Kick
Shannon is becoming my little side kick. Most babies are just snuggly at this age- you carry them around and they just happily sleep. Shannon has to see everything. She wants to be involved, and yet I can see her by my side all the time, being my little side kick on all of our adventures.
what is interesting about her is that she is by my side all the time, yet has her own distinct personality. She is not an extension of me. She is very much herself. I think it will be fun to have someone to share my adventures with.
what is interesting about her is that she is by my side all the time, yet has her own distinct personality. She is not an extension of me. She is very much herself. I think it will be fun to have someone to share my adventures with.
Saturday, August 02, 2008
the next phase
Well, baby is happy. She's just a peach.
And I am getting excited for my next phase of life. I am thinking of calling it "mommy hood without customers."
That's right I am thinking of focusing on the family more.... as soon as I work my butt off to close my business with out debt.
And then I plan to move into an educational phase and appear on the other side as a practicing midwife. I expect this change to take 5-10 years.
But in the immediate future. There are babies and houses and husbands (and their businesses) to care for.
And I am getting excited for my next phase of life. I am thinking of calling it "mommy hood without customers."
That's right I am thinking of focusing on the family more.... as soon as I work my butt off to close my business with out debt.
And then I plan to move into an educational phase and appear on the other side as a practicing midwife. I expect this change to take 5-10 years.
But in the immediate future. There are babies and houses and husbands (and their businesses) to care for.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
It has been a while since I have posted here. My arms have been very busy with the newest little blessing in our home.
I could just eat her up, she is so adorable. Oh how I have missed her. The other day, I was staring at her- as new moms often do to their beloved little babies -and I began to recognize the face I had seen so many times in visions and dreams. The face the puzzled me the first few times I saw it. I didn't know who it was then, until Mike drew the pictures.
I have longed to hold this baby for 4 years. And now she is almost constantly in my arms. Her sweet breath hitting my breasts. Her soft skin snuzzling against mine. Her eyes wide with wonder as she sees the world from my arms.
I could just eat her up, she is so adorable. Oh how I have missed her. The other day, I was staring at her- as new moms often do to their beloved little babies -and I began to recognize the face I had seen so many times in visions and dreams. The face the puzzled me the first few times I saw it. I didn't know who it was then, until Mike drew the pictures.
I have longed to hold this baby for 4 years. And now she is almost constantly in my arms. Her sweet breath hitting my breasts. Her soft skin snuzzling against mine. Her eyes wide with wonder as she sees the world from my arms.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Dreamy babies
I dreamed about my baby again. Both times it was the same baby, with thick dark hair. This time I was calling Mom after the baby was born to tell her and I forgot I was calling her and begun to clean the floor, until she started to say hello. Then I forgot about the baby until she started to cry for me. She was left in the other room.
It is very interesting to see such intense focuses in dreams. Usually dreams seem so unfocused.
It is very interesting to see such intense focuses in dreams. Usually dreams seem so unfocused.
Monday, April 07, 2008
Life is fleeting
"Life is fleeting. All that separates us from death is a single heartbeat or breath."
Said one of the General Authorities at yesterday's afternoon conference.
And it is. Our poor bunny was kid handled to death yesterday. Somehow she ended up in Clay's hands, after being handled by Galen and Ian some too. This weekend she barely had a chance to be in cage, she was handled so much, which it tough on something as fragile as a small rabbit. I rescued her and put her on my desk, where she had to prodded to go behind the computer (one of the safer retreats). But alass the effort was too little and she died in her cage sometime yesterday evening.
I was saddened, but deeply grateful that it wasn't Ian's life whom slipped away quietly as he slept. Ian tried to stand on a basketball yesterday and the smack of his head hitting the floor was quite loud. He has a goose egg about the size of a XL hen's egg on the back of his head. We could have just as easily have lost our Ian in that instant or in the hours following.
Clay, of course, has no comprehension, of the loss of our bunny. And it is Galen and Ian we must impress it upon, so they understand the fragile nature of life, and the value in it.
Said one of the General Authorities at yesterday's afternoon conference.
And it is. Our poor bunny was kid handled to death yesterday. Somehow she ended up in Clay's hands, after being handled by Galen and Ian some too. This weekend she barely had a chance to be in cage, she was handled so much, which it tough on something as fragile as a small rabbit. I rescued her and put her on my desk, where she had to prodded to go behind the computer (one of the safer retreats). But alass the effort was too little and she died in her cage sometime yesterday evening.
I was saddened, but deeply grateful that it wasn't Ian's life whom slipped away quietly as he slept. Ian tried to stand on a basketball yesterday and the smack of his head hitting the floor was quite loud. He has a goose egg about the size of a XL hen's egg on the back of his head. We could have just as easily have lost our Ian in that instant or in the hours following.
Clay, of course, has no comprehension, of the loss of our bunny. And it is Galen and Ian we must impress it upon, so they understand the fragile nature of life, and the value in it.
Saturday, April 05, 2008
Church Cleaning
our church has a policy that every week a family is assigned to clean it on Friday or Saturday to prepare the meeting house for Sunday.This policy was enacted so that the members would take more responsibility and pride in their buildings. Most of the time the family is only assigned once every year or two.
This week it was our turn. And we found a nice babysitter for each of the children (thank you sitters!) and that allowed us the time and focus we needed to enjoy working in th Lord's house. The quiet spirit that rest there is always a welcome change to the hectic pace and noise of normal life.
And it is not like the work is hard. They have a nice list of what we are supposed to accomplish- most of it is spit and polish for Sunday. We wipe the sinks and mirrors in the bathrooms, pick up anything we see on floors, shine the front windows, take out the trash, sweep the gym. We don't actually scrub anything, and mostly can just enjoy the quiet while we walk around with a dust rag and a broom.
Overall, especially with this being Conference weekend (where there is no break from the children). I think it was just what I needed.
This week it was our turn. And we found a nice babysitter for each of the children (thank you sitters!) and that allowed us the time and focus we needed to enjoy working in th Lord's house. The quiet spirit that rest there is always a welcome change to the hectic pace and noise of normal life.
And it is not like the work is hard. They have a nice list of what we are supposed to accomplish- most of it is spit and polish for Sunday. We wipe the sinks and mirrors in the bathrooms, pick up anything we see on floors, shine the front windows, take out the trash, sweep the gym. We don't actually scrub anything, and mostly can just enjoy the quiet while we walk around with a dust rag and a broom.
Overall, especially with this being Conference weekend (where there is no break from the children). I think it was just what I needed.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Divine Motherhood
There is something Divine about motherhood. Especially when a little one is cuddling up to you, around your belly, and he falls asleep with head against your heart.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Mothers who Know
Today I taught the Relief Society Lesson. It was on the Sunday morning conference talk "Mothers Who Know."
Like always, there is never enough time to cover all that you would like to say about it and have all the discussions you would like to have on the topics in the lessons.
Basically- what it boiled down to is that Mothers Who Know, Know that they are a Child of God, that Jesus is their Savior and from that knowledge they get their strength to run their house and teach their children, and choose the best ways with eternal perspective accordingly.
Grandmother who know - aunties who know, the nice lady behind you in church who knows...all call upon the strength of the Lord to help raise the next generation in righteousness.
No matter how alone you may seem, parenting is not a one person job. We need the help of our friends, neighbors, and even people on the street, to keep going when we are down, to help us remember that the job we are doing is more valuable then any other job in the world, and to be honored accordingly. We also need you to be good examples, to help lift the kids when and where we fail, to follow the promptings of the spirit and provide the words of inspiration and encouragement that is needed at the moment- especially when they don't want to listen to mom anymore.
Mothers who know are not afraid and face the future in faith. Of course, that is probably why we keep having children. :)
Like always, there is never enough time to cover all that you would like to say about it and have all the discussions you would like to have on the topics in the lessons.
Basically- what it boiled down to is that Mothers Who Know, Know that they are a Child of God, that Jesus is their Savior and from that knowledge they get their strength to run their house and teach their children, and choose the best ways with eternal perspective accordingly.
Grandmother who know - aunties who know, the nice lady behind you in church who knows...all call upon the strength of the Lord to help raise the next generation in righteousness.
No matter how alone you may seem, parenting is not a one person job. We need the help of our friends, neighbors, and even people on the street, to keep going when we are down, to help us remember that the job we are doing is more valuable then any other job in the world, and to be honored accordingly. We also need you to be good examples, to help lift the kids when and where we fail, to follow the promptings of the spirit and provide the words of inspiration and encouragement that is needed at the moment- especially when they don't want to listen to mom anymore.
Mothers who know are not afraid and face the future in faith. Of course, that is probably why we keep having children. :)
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
bits and pieces
Happy New Year.
I think my baby doesn't want me to do anything. I felt fine all holiday- when I wasn't doing too much, but today- when I planned to get back to work and everything else, I was sick, nauseous and tired again.
I am not sure if the blame rests squarely on baby or if the leftover chocolate frosting mixed with walnuts is to blame.
What I find is interesting is that I have trained my body enough that when I go after those chocolate (calorie fixes) then I end up eating the nuts out and leaving the chocolate and then finishing the whole snack off with a good handful of fresh veggies. However the veggies never mitigate the fact that the chocolate frosting sans cake is a good mix with a pregnant digestive system.
Oh well. I did manage to exercise for a bit yesterday- didn't manage it today- will have to do it in the (tomorrow) morning. Along with shipping, and all sorts of stuff. Clay of course. Loves it when I try to exerciser. He comes up and crawls under me and tries to sit on me. He also does that during prayer- if he catches me. Then personal prayer turns into prayer with a Clay squished between my lap and the bed.
Sometimes you just have to remind yourself that just by being pregnant you are doing more then most people all day.- or at least your body is. I had a dream this morning that baby introduced her/himself to me. Came up to my hand while it was on my belly and showed me her head and back bone. I think it will be another cuddly kid. I seem to make cuddly kids.
I think my baby doesn't want me to do anything. I felt fine all holiday- when I wasn't doing too much, but today- when I planned to get back to work and everything else, I was sick, nauseous and tired again.
I am not sure if the blame rests squarely on baby or if the leftover chocolate frosting mixed with walnuts is to blame.
What I find is interesting is that I have trained my body enough that when I go after those chocolate (calorie fixes) then I end up eating the nuts out and leaving the chocolate and then finishing the whole snack off with a good handful of fresh veggies. However the veggies never mitigate the fact that the chocolate frosting sans cake is a good mix with a pregnant digestive system.
Oh well. I did manage to exercise for a bit yesterday- didn't manage it today- will have to do it in the (tomorrow) morning. Along with shipping, and all sorts of stuff. Clay of course. Loves it when I try to exerciser. He comes up and crawls under me and tries to sit on me. He also does that during prayer- if he catches me. Then personal prayer turns into prayer with a Clay squished between my lap and the bed.
Sometimes you just have to remind yourself that just by being pregnant you are doing more then most people all day.- or at least your body is. I had a dream this morning that baby introduced her/himself to me. Came up to my hand while it was on my belly and showed me her head and back bone. I think it will be another cuddly kid. I seem to make cuddly kids.
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